NM-TIE Conference 2019 – Furthering Education through Technology




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Event date: 10/30/2019 - 11/1/2019 Export event

Date of Event: October 30th – November 1st 2019
Where: Isleta Resort and Casino
11000 Broadway SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105

Come visit our TIG education specialist at Booth #27

Our Business Development Manager Elliot Wolf will be speaking in a classroom style workshop on Friday, November, 1st 2019 from 9:45am to 10:40am in the Seminar Room.

View our Chromebooks, laptops, desktops, education panels and 3-D Printers as well as answer any questions you have about Life Cycle Management Solutions and Services.

New Mexico Technology In Education Conference is furthering education through technology. NMTIE is dedicated to the furtherance of the use of technology, communications and information resources in New Mexico education to improve the instruction, research, and administration within New Mexico educational institutions.

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