

Predictive Analytics Meet-Up: Hands-on Deep Learning

Author: Event Admin
Date of Event:  Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Where: Technology Integration Group
10240 Flanders Court
San Diego, CA 92121
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Join us for a meet up to learn how TIG and Intel can help you and your business.

Deep learning is unlocking tremendous economic value across various market sectors. Individual data scientists can draw from several open source frameworks and basic hardware resources the very initial investigative phases but quickly require significant hardware and software resources to build and deploy production models. Intel Nervana has built a competitive deep learning platform to make it easy for data scientists to start from the iterative, investigatory phase and take models all the way to deployment. Nirvana’s platform is designed for speed and scale, and serves as a catalyst for all types of organizations to benefit from the full potential of deep learning. Example of supported applications include but not limited to automotive speech interfaces, image search, language translation, agricultural robotics and genomics, financial document summarization, and finding anomalies in loT data. In this talk, we will give an overview of Nervana’s DL platform and get some hands-on experience using this platform to train and execute deep learning models.

Speaker: Sathish Nagappan, Engineer – Deep Learning Platform 

Sathish Nagappan is a cloud & machine learning engineer at Intel Nervana. He was an early team member at Nervana and a core contributor to the Nervana Cloud platform and neon framework. He graduated from Stanford University with an M.S. in Computer Science.

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The power of Predictive Analytics in Higher Education

Author: Event Admin
Date of Event: March 17, 2016
Where: Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel, 425 Water St  Portsmouth  Virginia  23704  USA 

Time: 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Join our Big Data conversation at ACCS 2016.  Universities are turning to new data sources to identify those students who need a nudge toward success.  The promise of predictive analytics in higher education continues to entice and for good reason, it can change student and University outcomes.

Hillary Delabar Practice Leader for Advanced Business Analytics & Big Data will be speaking at the Association of Collegiate Computing Services of Virginia (ACCS).  Hillary is  responsible for creating a culture of analytics and driving the strategic agenda for growth across business analytics and big data. Leading an integrated community of strategy, technology and operations people who are serving clients across industries and North America.  

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