

Case Study: Predicting Compute Memory Needed for a Computer Job

Author: Event Admin
Date of Event: June 14, 2016
Where: TIG Corporate Headquarters 

        10240 Flanders Court, San Diego, CA
Time: 6:00PM

Case Study: Predicting Compute Memory Needed for a Computer Job, Tuesday, June 14, 2016
6:00 PM – Networking
6:30pm -- Recap of Hackathorn, Gina Escobar
7:15pm -- Qualcomm Case Study
8:00pm -- close

Recommender System for a Compute Memory Request for a Computer Job by 

Taraneh Taghavi, Qualcomm and Maria Lupetini, Qualcomm

Billions of computer jobs are run on Qualcomm compute clusters in a year to design and test semiconductor chips.  There is a need to use all compute resources optimally, i.e. processors, storage and memory.

Currently, the engineers estimate the compute memory needed to run a job.  When compared to what is actually needed for execution, their estimates overall are too high.  This results in too much compute memory being allocated to these computer runs, and thereby reducing the ability to run other jobs on the same multi-processor server.  This reduction in throughput delays precious design and testing time.  In addition, this behavior drives compute memory purchase costs higher than necessary.

This presentation will highlight the data exploration, development, and deployment of a recommender system that predicts the amount of memory a compute job will need.  We will discuss the array of statistical and machine learning techniques we explored, and how we selected the final model.

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Categories: TIG Events





Corporate Club Classic

Author: Event Admin

Date of Event: June 7, 2016
Where: The Crosby - Ranch Santa Fe
Time: 9:30AM - 7:30PM

TIG's annual Corporate Club Charity Classic Tournament at The Crosby.

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